
This website is designed to assist teachers implementing the NSW Geography K-10 syllabus. It has a particular focus is on using ‘digital’ tools when Working Geographically.

The syllabus also expects that students develop their ICT Capability in the context of learning in Geography. It states that students will ‘locate, select, evaluate, communicate and share Geographical information using digital and spatial technologies” (Geography K-6 Syllabus p37)

This website is designed to model "Working Geographically" especially in the context of Fieldwork which is a new concept for many primary teachers.

Fieldwork provides authentic opportunities for students to gather first hand primary geographical data as they investigate their own school context and also their connections to their local area/community and the world beyond.

Working Geographically : Integrating ICT - web

The scenarios or 'illustrations of practice' included on the website provide examples of how teachers can successfully incorporate ICT Tools in each stage of learning in Geographical Inquiry to:

  • ACQUIRE Geographic Information : by questioning, investigating, observing, researching, data gathering
  • PROCESS Geographic Information, using primary and secondary geographic data for summarising, analysing, synthesising, evaluating
  • COMMUNICATE Geographic Information: organising text & images to create digital texts that inform / persuade, eg presentations; infographics; campaigns; podcasts; letters; videos
  • RESPOND Expressing concerns/taking action eg engaging in advocacy; creating campaigns; involvement in projects for improvement